What Can You Do With An R.Kin Designation In Ontario? (with examples)

Spencer Raposo
5 min readMay 4, 2020



Becoming an R.Kin doesn’t just mean working in a clinic setting. There are numerous uses for an R.Kin Designation in Ontario. Find out more below.

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What kind of careers are there for Kinesiologists? When you first think of kinesiology, you regularly associate it with an undergraduate degree only. It is a stepping stone to becoming a doctor, a physiotherapist, a dentist, or researcher. Most students that graduate with a Kinesiology degree in Ontario plan to follow one of these paths. What a lot of student’s don’t know is that they can use their Kinesiology degree to find a career NOW.

Below are careers that individuals that have a Kinesiology degree and write the COKO exam to be a Registered Kinesiologist can look at.

Exercise Therapist/ Physiotherapy Assistant

Most R.Kins will start in this role at some point. Considered an entry level job with lots of potential to expand, this role introduces the new R.Kin to a rehabilitation/clinical setting working along side either a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor. Some places will take kinesiology students or soon to be registered R.Kins.

Example: CBI Health or Lifemark

Personal Trainer/ Wellness Coach

Other R.Kins may begin their career in this role. Considered an entry level job with lots of potential to expand, this role introduces the new R.Kin to a gym/fitness centre setting working one-on-one with general population clients to achieve different goals (weight loss, muscle gain, etc). Some places will take Kinesiology students or soon to be registered R.Kins.

Example: YMCA

Clinical Kinesiologist

Main career when you first think about a Registered Kinesiologist upon graduation. This role can be an extension from a previous position of an exercise therapist once experience is developed along with a caseload. Below are some things that the Clinical Kinesiologist can do:

  • Prescribe rehabilitative, therapeutic and general conditioning exercises for rehabilitation, health and fitness
  • Musculoskeletal Assessments
  • Postural Evaluations and Education
  • Rehabilitative and Functional Re-Training Exercise Programs
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Specialized programs for medical disorders (cancer, MS, diabetes)
  • Corporate Wellness Program Design and Implementation
  • Aquatic Therapy

Examples: Clinical Kinesiologist at Altum Health- University Health Network

Rehabilitation Therapist

This career is generally contract work with a healthcare company to provide mobile/ in-home services. This position is very similar to the Clinical Kinesiologist position but not within a clinical, multi-disciplinary setting. This position requires experience working in a clinic or with the client population they serve/specialize in. Below are some things that the Rehabilitation Therapist can do:

  • Prescribe rehabilitative, therapeutic and general conditioning exercises for rehabilitation, health and fitness
  • Musculoskeletal Assessments
  • Postural Evaluations and Education
  • Rehabilitative and Functional Re-Training Exercise Programs
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Specialized programs for medical disorders (cancer, MS, diabetes)
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Recreational Support

Examples: Rehabilitation Therapist at RehabFirst, etc

Ergonomist and Workplace

The field of ergonomics was something I was introduced to upon graduation of Kinesiology. Completing job site assessments, physical demands analysis and ergonomic workstation set-up are the extent that I am familiar with. Below are some other examples of what ergonomists do and where you can find them:

  • Job Site Assessments
  • Physical Demands Analysis
  • Ergonomic and Worksite Assessments and Workstation Design
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Workplace Injury/Disability Management (coordination of employer, union, health and safety and/or human resources)
  • Return to Work Programming (work hardening/conditioning)
  • Job Coaching/Supervision of Modified Duties
  • Corporate Wellness Program Design and Implementation

Examples: Health and Wellness Consultant at CGI, On-Site Kinesiologist at Ocidium, Ergonomic Specialist at Toyota Boshku, etc

Insurance Market

The opposite side of treating clients is the insurance in which provides them services. R.Kins are able to work in this setting with their understanding of human movement and physiology to help collaborate on the clients care with other treating practitioners.

  • Adjust injury files for auto insurance industry
  • Customer care representative or rehabilitative case manager of personal injury/rehabilitation file for disability claims for disability /life insurance industry
  • Consultant for assessment and rehabilitation services for the early intervention or long term disability claims
  • Consultant for WSIB LMR program

Examples: STD Case Manager at Manulife, Disability Case Manager at Sun Life, Accident Claims Benefits Adjustor at Intact, etc

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

To my understanding, this area is similar but different to ergonomics. Ergonomics is a part of the full occupational health and safety plan at a company.

  • Design, implementation and ongoing monitoring of workplace Health and Safety programs
  • Early intervention and return to work programs coordination through employer Human Resource services

Examples: Research Assistant at London Health Sciences Centre, Manager of Occupational Health and Safety at the South-West LHIN, etc

Sport Conditioning/High Performance Training

Moving away from rehabilitation and health and safety, R.Kins can also work in a variety of settings working toward performance. From working with professional athletes, to seasoned gym goers, this field is another area in which many students imagine themselves in this type of role. Generally other designations like CSCS or CSEP-CPT are required to work in these settings.

  • Sport performance training (skill, speed, power, agility)
  • Fitness sport performance testing
  • Exercise prescriptions
  • Personal training

Examples: Strength and Conditioning coach with Toronto Marlies, Owner of Boutique Kinesiology-led Studio, Lead Personal Trainer/ Manager at Goodlife, etc

Health and Wellness Programs

Similar to a clinical kinesiologist, this kinesiologist usually works as part of a community health team. A lot of this role is education and collaborating with other members of the health team.

  • Doctor’s Clinics, Family Health Care Teams, Community Health Centres
  • Special Populations programming (Seniors, people with disabilities, etc.)
  • Therapeutic exercise programming for restorative care in long term care facilities
  • Personal Training for weight loss and chronic disease prevention

Example: Registered Kinesiologist & Diabetes Educator at Guelph Family Health Team, Cardiac Rehab Trainer at St. Joesph’s Hospital, Research Kinesiologist at Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, etc


  • University or College professor
  • Special Populations scientist
  • Teaching Assistant, PhD Student, Clinical Researcher

Example: Associate Professor at McGill in Anatomy, Clinical Trials Kinesiologist at Western University, etc

Here is definitely an incomplete list of where an R.Kin designation can be used. Did we miss one? Do you know of someone who uses their R.Kin designation for something else? LET US KNOW!

Hopefully this helps,

Spencer Raposo, R.Kin


Looking to write the next Registered Kin Exam? Join the Registered Kinesiology Exam Prep Facebook group to gain more insight about what to expect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RegisteredKinExamInfo/

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Spencer Raposo

Registered Kinesiologist, Host of Making Kinnections Podcast and Founder of Kinformation